Happy New Year! Au Revoir Plastic!
In an effort to phase out plastic packaging by 2026, the French government has freshly introduced a ban on the use of plastic packaging on 30 different fruit and veg products.
How good is that!?
What’s In The Box Recipe Update
We had a slight mix up with one of the recipes in your box literature this week so here is the correct ingredient list and method for the Creamy Winter Veggie Crumble!
Breaking The Habit
Keith tells us of the joys and challenges of the unexpected in his veg box this week!
Black History Month
In our communities there are many BAME led organisations that work to support not just ethnic minority groups but ALL people who require a little extra support.
We Really Are What We Eat!
Every year we learn more and more about the human body. Here, Keith talks about the amazing things we are learning about our diet and how fruit and veg really are so important to our overall health!